Saturday, October 30, 2010

Heaven's Sky

Erik took Sadie to the park this morning.

She asked him if she could go on the swings and while he was pushing her Sadie said, "I want to go high in the sky like my baby brother."

Erik gently explained to her that she can't do that because her baby brother is in heaven. Sawyer was very sick and he had a broken heart.

Erik started to cry and Sadie said, "Don't be sad Daddy."

She always says that when we cry.


Alissa said...

Awww...what a sweet thought by Sawyer's sister. This post brought tears to my eyes...wishing Sadie could swing here on Earth with her brother. ((hugs))

Erik Williams said...

she akways says sorry daddy dont be sad.

Wyatt's Mommie said...

Aw, little Sadie. <3

Wyatt's Mommie said...

Aw, little Sadie. <3