Tuesday, February 8, 2011

CHD Awareness Week - Gwenyth's Story

February 7th through the 14th is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week. Every day this week, we will feature one guest post from the parent of a CHD warrior or angel. This is baby Gwenyth's story...

Gwenyth was born with a congenital heart defect (CHD) called Truncus Arterious type I. She had surgery two days after birth and was doing so well. She came home only to suddenly be taken away just shy of two months old. Based on the little bits of info the doctors have to go on, it appears to be a virus that took her life. No huge symptoms gave us any foreknowledge and it was too late by the time we took her to the doctor.


Gwenyth's mother, Laura Carpenter, wants everyone to know about the #1 birth defect. To read more about baby Gwen and Laura's journey through loss please visit http://www.gwenythcarpenter.com


Unknown said...

<3 Gwenyth <3

The Good, The Bad, & The Family said...

What a beautiful baby girl. Thank you for sharing.